Wednesday, April 15, 2009

OF P.O.L.I.T.I.Cs (Wallowing in blatant ignorance)

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All too often we find ourselves looking back, in regret, at mistakes that, for some of us, become lessons learned. But even the most astute of us find ourselves, occasionally back in the same situation we have previously experienced. Hopefully we learn from these experiences and find ourselves repeating this ritual less and less. But our society seems to manifest and nurture this repetition of mistakes we'd all like to avoid.
One example is our 'education system'. Here's a system which stresses memorization rather than Deductive Reasoning and Critical Thinking.
With critical thinking you will learn the reasons for certain outcomes and how to manipulate the outcome. But when the average kid is required to memorize things and not told why, or how these things can help him in the future, his or her mind may not grasp these concepts or value the lesson, particularly in the presence of countless forms of entertainment . But years later, when he's an old man he will be starting to understand the deeper meaning of those lessons, the structuring of a mind around math, language, logic, science, music, He will finally begin to see the connection.
Why can't we show him the connection now? Well, because there's ENOUGH competition among the rich and academic as it IS. If we gave Everyone that quality of education the Kings Mountains would lose too many boulders. And the kings justify their manipulation of public education by telling themselves that every anthill needs worker ants, or "those people aren't civilized anyway", or "quality education's too expensive.
So the 'education' that's passed down traps the masses of the people on the physical plane, in the present moment, on an ego trip, not learning from the past and not concerned about the future.
The young black man depicted above represents this aspect of humanity.

The young man laughs at the old man because he's old fashioned, he is yesterday, the past.

The old man represents the past because everything he knows and tries to impart to the young man comes from his past.

The young man laughs at the old man because he's small, he's bald, his glasses are thick, he's weak, he's slow, his pants are hiked up, his shoes look funny.... He doesn't realize this will one day be him.

The old man represents the future because the young man will one day BE old...if he lives that long. He will one day try to tell a youngster to pay attention to the past, to prepare for the future, to stop reliving the same mistakes.

They're both depicted as black men because the black man is an easy target when you're dealing with a demographic that tends to repeat the same mistakes. How Ever, while many white onlookers sit on the fence and point their fingers at minorities who are living this experience in the most OBvious ways, they fail to realize that, in their Own ways, they're riding their very own merry-go-rounds. If those of us in a position to get off of the ride and stop the spinning of other rides don't do so, we may all begin making those connections AFTER we've become old men.
And this is no country for old men.



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